No matter what kind of hair you have you can achieve natural looking curls. Heated styling tools and some pre-styling prep will make all the difference. If you are against heated styling tools then you can braid freshly washed hair and let it dry overnight. That won’t give you ringlets, but it will give you some full-bodied waves.
Brushing or combing your hair will only encourage it to look straighter. Instead, using conditioner and a wide tooth comb, remove any tangles in the shower.
Rough towel drying can cause tangles and breakage, instead wrap your hair in a microfiber towel and use the press and twist technique to get rid of extra moisture.
A curl enhancing cream will help you achieve bouncier curls. Apply it to your mid lengths to ends, scrunching your hair as you do. Then apply your heat protector.
Pop on your diffuser and set your blow dryer to low. As you dry keep scrunching your hair. This will help give the hair some extra texture to hold the curls. Make sure hair is completely dry before moving onto the next step.
Pull out your curling wand, plug it in, and let it start heating up. If you don’t already have a curling wand and are looking to buy one there are a few things to keep in mind. Barrel size is important. The smaller the barrel, the tighter the curl, the larger the barrel, the bigger the curl. Also, some curling wands come with clamps to hold the hair in place and some do not. The ones that do can leave creases on your curl. We recommend a clipless styling wand like our Pro Styling Wands so you don’t have to worry about crease marks. We also recommend starting with a ¾” to 1” barrel to start with. They create very natural looking curls that have good hold.
Separate your hair into sections between 1” – 2” and, starting from the back and working your way forward, wrap each section of hair around the barrel and hold for 3-4 seconds then release. Hold the curl in your hand for a few seconds to allow it to cool, it will help set the curl. Also, by alternating the direction and size of the curls you will get a more natural looking finished look.
When you’re done put about a dime sized amount of curl cream in your palms and rub them together, then scrunch your hair liberally to define the curls.