While most women have a go-to morning routine for their skin, what about for your hair? Whatever the style du jour might be, here’s how you can care for your hair on a daily basis.

  1. Use the right brush

It all starts with the right brush for your hair type and condition. Using a brush that’s too harsh, causes frizz or forces you to rip through your hair are all bad ways to start styling. A non-synthetic wide and flat brush is a good option for most hair types, but remember to wash it regularly.

  1. Give your hair a break

If you wore a heavily-styled look yesterday, opt for something looser with less products required today. This will help prevent serious product-buildup in your hair, and give it the time it needs to regain strength after being pulled around and strained.

  1. Don’t grease up

Avoid skincare products getting into the hairline, giving you greasy roots before you even leave the house, by wearing a soft fabric headband when applying your skincare products and makeup. When you move onto your hairstyle, remember to wash your hands.

  1. When to wash

It’s recommended to wash your hair every two/three days to avoid stripping it of its natural oils. If your hair starts to look a little greasy in between washes, spray Morning After Dust at the roots and underneath. Once a week, apply a leave-in conditioner overnight to replenish the hair.

  1. Blow-dry it right

Don’t use the hottest temperature when blow-drying as this can damage and dry out the hair shaft, leaving it weak and prone to breakages. For a natural boost of volume to start your day, blow-dry with your head upside down, then flick upwards and backwards when 90% dry. Always try to avoid drying 100%, your hair will appreciate the little bit of moisture left over.

Applying these (almost) everyday tips to your haircare routine will show your hair that you care for it just as much as you do your skin!